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The Science of Quantum Physics Explains How and Why Your Thoughts Create Your Life – Part 1 of 5

The Science Behind the Process of Manifesting or Cohering What You Want


When you understand and accept the science behind how and why your thoughts create your life, you will have total trust in your ability to consciously create everything you want to have, do and be in your life.
This is the first post in a series of 5 posts on this theme.

The Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance Function According to the Principles of Quantum Physics

Quantum physics is the scientific study of the building blocks of all life and the universe itself.
“The Secret”, as taught in the book and the DVD of that name, is based on a combination of the Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance.
The scientific community has not yet accepted these as scientific laws, as universal laws of nature, because up until now, it has been impossible to prove them to be true. The Law of Gravity can be scientifically proven, for example, with some basic experiments.
It is very difficult to create appropriate scientific experiments that are not contaminated with the thought energy of the experimenter. Any experiment set up to prove that thoughts do create your reality, for example, is affected by those very thoughts, because the very act of observation affects what you are observing.
Quantum physics states that the act of observing any object influences it’s behaviour and that when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.
The thoughts, attitudes, and expectations of scientists affect the outcome of any experiments they conduct, according to quantum physics.
Scientific experiments have detected specific changes in the behaviour of certain objects when there was a change in the way they were being observed by both humans and instruments.
Maybe one day, scientists will be able to conduct experiments under perfect conditions that will conclude there are absolute scientific principles that prove the Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance are universal laws of nature, just like the Law of Gravity.

The Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance Are Great Philosophical Laws to Believe in

However, the Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance are powerful philosophical concepts to live your life by, in the absence of scientific proof. There are enough scientific principles at work here, and you yourself may well be convinced because of your own life experiences, never mind whether the scientific community can prove it or otherwise.
This science of quantum physics does validate the concepts inherent in the workings of the Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance.

Main Principles of Quantum Physics

“We are mass energy. Everything is energy. Everything”
– The Secret

Everything in the universe is energy, it’s not just made of energy, it is energy. These packets or concentrations of energy, the building blocks of all matter, vibrate at a whole range of frequencies, of every wavelength imaginable.
Sound is energy. Light is energy. Thought is energy. Emotion is energy. Gas is energy. Liquid is energy. A Solid is energy. A car is energy. A house is energy. A tree is energy. An elephant is energy. You are energy.
So, in quantum physics, every individual thing, every bit of matter, whatever form it takes, is represented as a ripple of energy in the fabric of the energy of the universe itself. Energy is represented as a ripple or wave.

A Quantum Wave Function (a Qwiff) is a Ripple of Energy

This ripple or wave of energy is scientifically known as a quantum wave function or QWF (pronounced qwiff). Quantum is a concentration of energy.
Imagine the whole universe as being one gigantic universal quantum  wave function – a universal qwiff.
In quantum physics, these quantum wave functions are constantly interacting with all the other quantum wave functions throughout the universe, including the universal qwiff, instantaneously.
Read the last paragraph again because it’s so important.
Let me emphasise that these qwiffs are interacting simultaneously (at the same time) with all the other qwiffs throughout the universe. These qwiffs are obviously travelling at speeds infinitely faster than the speed of light (light travels at 186,000 miles per second).
Albert Einstein could not accept that these qwiffs are interacting with other qwiffs throughout the universe in the same instant. However, his arguments have since been shown to be wrong by quantum physicists in recent years.

Like Qwiffs Cohere and Create Your Reality

Quantum wave functions interact or interfere with each other. Like QWFs cohere, they connect, they stay together, and form the next moment of reality, called manifestation.
Unlike QWFs decohere, they fall away and vanish.
Again, when like qwiffs interact with like qwiffs (they are in perfect resonance with each other), they stay, they cohere, they become connected, they join together, taking on a new form, thus creating the next moment of reality.
When like qwiffs interact with unlike qwiffs (they are not in resonance with each other), the unlike qwiffs decohere, they disappear, they vanish, and do not join together to form the next moment of reality.
So, like things cohere, they stay. Unlike things decohere, they go away. Only when quiffs cohere, is the next moment of reality created.
So cohering is the same as manifesting.
Once again, everything that exists in the univerese is represented by these qwiffs. For reality to occur in the next instant, all the qwiffs around have to bunch together, interact with each other, and cohere into the next state of reality.  This is happening everywhere at the same time, creating everyone’s reality in the next moment.
For every next moment, there are unlimited possibilities that could form the reality of that moment. These possibilities range in probability from being guaranteed to occur to virtually being impossible to occur. All the infinite number of possibilities reduce to the one reality, through the scientific process of reduction.
Every moment, your experience of reality is something you are cohering. It’s happening all the time, in every moment. You are manifesting, or cohering constantly, through these qwiffs interacting with like qwiffs.

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