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Thoughts become things

I received the book The Secret for a gift exchange right in the middle of the hardest times in my life. Every night before I went to sleep I would read it. At first I had doubts because it seemed too easy. I received the book on my birthday but did not implement The Secret till the month of March.
I had been going through very hard times, but having positive thoughts has helped me strive through life much easier. To give you an example of how thoughts become things, I decided to use this technique in school. I had a Market Research test which I was not prepared for. I studied, studied and studied but every time I went back to review I would forget everything. Negative thoughts were blocking my head making it impossible for me to learn. I cleared my mind and thought of that ‘A’ I would receive after taking the test. I made a vision in my mind and felt great about receiving that ‘A’. I knew I was going to get it. I had it clear in my mind.
I took the test (positive thoughts since I woke up) and guess what? I received a 105 ‘A+’. And that’s not all – I had another test today. Up until last night I had not studied anything and was seriously thinking about avoiding the test, making up some excuse and taking it later. I was studying but after looking at all the notes, it was 12:30am and nothing was sinking in. I felt so tired and had no strength to continue.
But I cleared my head and again had that vision that I would get an ‘A’ and the teacher would congratulate me. I woke up this morning, studied a little and woke up being grateful. I looked into the sky and it was a wonderful, beautiful day. I just thought of the test and what was going to happen. For a minute a negative thought came to my head but I fought it back with thousands of positive thoughts. I took the test and when I turned it in, I said in my mind, “I will get an ‘A’, I leave it in your hands, Universe” And just guess what happened? I got 100%.
What I mean to say with all of this is: great things happen when you have positive thoughts. I have a vision wall where I put everything I desire. When I wake up I see it and just daydream of me having it. One by one they have come true. Always think positive. By doing this, I have gotten corporate interviews, good grades, a good job and money to spend. Just be positive and all of your dreams will come true.

The Secret Formula For Success! (This Truly Works!)


When manifesting money you must remember that the Law of Attraction states that whatever you give consistent thought to, you will create.

So, manifesting money is really not much different than trying to attract anything else in your life that you desire.

But, because money is such a huge factor in our lives, people tend to stress and worry more especially when they feel like they do not have enough of it.

But what most people fail to realize is, that by stressing and worrying about the absence of money causes your financial abundance to be held away from you longer.

You must know that you are the creator of your entire life experiences; including what you have in your bank account.

Life is reflected back to you by the thoughts that you consistently think. So, if you are the type to always complain about how poor you are, or if you constantly think negatively about others who are thriving financially.

You aren’t doing nothing but pushing your financial abundance further and further away from you.

In order to know where you are right now when it comes to money.
Ask yourself, how do you feel about money?
When you think about money, do you feel that you are in a good place?
Are you grateful for the money that you have in your bank account right now?

Are you stress free or not worried about money because you know that there is more to come, whenever you need it?

If you have good thoughts when it comes to money then you are definitely on the right track to learning how to manifest money and becoming financially abundant.

Or, are you the type to constantly complain when the bills come in, by saying things like, I will never have enough to pay all these bills? 

Do you complain about how broke you are and the fact that you will never have enough to do or buy anything that you want or desire?

You see the difference???? 

In order to manifest money you must change your thoughts about money. You have to know and believe that you will always be great financially. 

Have you ever noticed whenever you really need something and you ask yourself; now how am I going to pay for this? Some way, somehow you figure out away or something or someone come out of the blue to help you. 

This especially happens when you let go of the problem. Because once you let go of a problem the solution is able to show up. 

We are all here to thrive in all areas of our lives. We were not put on this earth to struggle or suffer. You have to understand that you are in control of your thoughts. Therefore, you are the creator of everything that you want and desire. 

Bill Gates said and I quote “I always knew I was going to be rich. I don’t think I ever doubted it for a minute”.

Most millionaires/billionaires expect to have money, therefore; money consistently flows into their experience.

Not having money is not an option for them, so they do not think in this negative way.
This is the mindset that we all must have in order to manifest money or anything else that we most desire.

Who said that we all couldn't be financially abundant? You must imagine it, see it and feel like you already have the things that you desire.

Go to the stores that have the products that you want. Go to open houses in the neighborhoods where you would like to live. Test drive the cars that you would like to own.

Once you begin to change the way you think and feel in regards to any situation including money, you will see your life change for the better.

And for those of you that have a negative mindset when it comes to money don’t be ashamed.
Most of the time our negative thoughts in regards to money are handed down from generation to generation.

Most of us have parents that have told us whenever we ask for something really expensive or things in general that “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “Do you think I am made out of money?"

So, we developed a negative mindset regarding money at an early age.

Here are some ways to help get you into that place where you can change your thoughts in regards to money.

First you need to make peace with where you are financially. Tell yourself that it is OK, because things are getting ready to change.

Be thankful for all the money that you have in your bank account right now. Whether it's $50,000 or $5. Be thankful for it.

I always say a quick thank you for all the money that I have in my bank account before I pay a bill and for some reason it seems like extra money always shows up. It may seem weird, but it is true and I never question it.

The more you appreciate what you have right now, the more things will come to you; such as always being able to pay your bills.

Most people use affirmations in order to manifest money, the affirmation that I use is “Money flows to me easily and freely, from multiple sources."

Or, you can say “I will always have the money to do or buy whatever I desire.” You can make up any affirmation pertaining to money that you would like as long as it helps you to truly believe it.

You should say your affirmations several times during the day, especially before you get ready to pay your bills.

The more often you say your affirmation the more you will believe them.

Do this for about thirty days and watch your finances change.

Once you truly believe that you have the power to manifest money whenever you want, you will start to come up with great new ideas to create more money into your life.

You may manifest money from different places that you never thought possible. Like the lottery, a friend, a check in the mail that you weren’t expecting or extra money in your bank account.
The stream is endless and you must remember that there is enough money out there for everyone.

Don't believe the hype about the so called bad economy because there are plenty of people that thrive even more financially when the government claims that we are in a recession.
With the Law of Attraction you get what you consistently think about.

And once those negative thoughts such as the economy being in a recession is planted in people's minds, they panic and start to think negative things like “what if I lose my job" which leads to more negative thoughts which causes things to start to go downhill and they stop thriving financially.

You attract what you consistently think about. So stop it! We all can thrive financially no matter what because we have complete control over our thoughts.

So, don’t ever believe that there can only be a few millionaires or billionaires in the world because that is simply not true.

People that you feel are financially abundant are just in alignment with their thoughts in order to manifest money and you will get there too.

And for fun in order to manifest money try the abundance game, it is a way to release resistance while creating what you want.

It does take time to retrain the thoughts that you’ve been thinking for years.

That’s why I said to give yourself 30 days to help get the ball rolling and once you get the hang of it, your financial situation will definitely change.

Some people can manifest money immediately; because they have figured out how to change their thoughts so that they are vibrating on the same frequency of what they desire.

And, if you can do that you won't have to wait 30 days; it can come in minutes, hours or days.

Remember the key to manifesting anything that you want, including money is to change your thoughts in regards to that subject in order to let your abundance in.
We all know that thinking negatively doesn’t get us anywhere; it just leads to more negative thoughts and holds us in the same negative situations.

And for those of you that find it hard to change your thoughts in regards to money. You can always just take your attention away from subject of money. Because once you ask, the universe now knows what you want.

So, you can release all resistance regarding money and continue to think good feeling thoughts about all the other wonderful things that you have in your life.
Go out and do the things that you enjoy. You do not have to consistently think about how to manifest money all day long. You can let go of all thoughts about money, and still bring your abundance to you.

Just trust that you will be able to manifest money or anything that you desire as long as you stay in that place of good thoughts and feelings.
Sending Love and Happiness,

How To Train The Mind To Attract What You Desire! (Law Of Attraction)

Change Negative Self Talk And Ease Your Anxiety

Negative self talk is a major contributor to general anxiety - I know, I use to do it! But you can overcome this bad habit, and it's easier than you might think.
So what is negative self talk? I would define it something like this:
"It is the constant mental chatter that we engage in on a regular basis, that has become so habituated that we often don't even notice we are doing it. This self talk is not in alignment with our true inner being, but has been created as a result of long-held fears and beliefs."
These thoughts produce feelings, and not the other way around. I love this quote from Louise Hay, which sums it up perfectly: "...if you don't have the thought, you won't have the feeling. And thoughts can be changed. Change the thought, and the feeling must go."
Try this little exercise by saying this to yourself - "Everything goes wrong for me. I always have such bad luck! I can't trust anyone and I get ripped off all the time! My health is always poor, and I'll probably die of some horrible disease!"
Does it make you feel uncomfortable? You probably didn't want to say it at all. This example is a bit extreme, but it demonstrates that words are not just words - they have an energy and a vibration just like everything else. And they will affect your mood and your own energy vibration.
So can you imagine the effect that constant negative self talk can have on you over a period of time? It not only affects your emotions, but can also manifest into physical symptoms. After all, thoughts and emotions are energy just like everything else, and the low vibrations of ongoing negative self talk will sap your vitality and can lead to anxiety symptoms.
negative self talk
Obviously, we all say negative things to ourselves sometimes - it's normal. It's impossible to expect to think only positive thoughts on a constant basis. The occasional negative thought is nothing to be concerned about.
But when your negative self talk exceeds the positive, it's time to take action!

What are Some Types of Negative Self Talk?

1. Worrying
I once read a great quote on my desk calendar many years ago, and I tore it off and have kept it till this day. It really struck a chord with me. It said "Worry is usually a lot of trouble that never happens".
How true that is! How many things have you spent time worrying about, all for nothing.
Negative self talk of the worrying kind usually starts with a phrase like "What if .......?" Statements like this always presume the worst is likely to happen. "What if I have a heart attack, like my father did?", or "What if I make a mistake on this project? It will be really embarrassing and I could get fired!"
This sort of talk promotes anxiety because you are scaring yourself by imagining such impending disaster, and your body responds by creating the symptoms associated with fear and constant stress. See my pages on the Physical Symptoms of Anxiety and Psychological Signs of Anxiety for more information about these bodily reactions.
2. Feeling like a Victim
The victim mentality creates anxiety because your negative self talk tells you that you have no control over your circumstances, and you and your life are pretty much jinxed.
This self talk is filled with moaning, complaining, and blaming everyone and everything else for the way your life is. The victim takes no responsibility for themselves, and doesn't believe things will ever change. Phrases such as "Nobody ever appreciates me. I do all the work around here, and what thanks do I get?", or "I feel unwell again today. Why do I always catch everyone's viruses - it's not fair!"
3. Being a Perfectionist
The negative self talk of a perfectionist tells you that you and the things you do are not good enough, and the word "should" is used a lot. This creates anxiety by pushing you to your limits of physical and mental tolerance, which results in ongoing stress and fatigue.
This kind of self talk convinces you that your worthiness is based upon things that you do or have, such as career, money, the love and acceptance of others, or being the perfect wife and mother.
Perfectionist self talk says things like "I should always be organised and have things under control" or "I have to get this promotion, or I'll look like an idiot."
4. Constantly Criticising Yourself
Negative self talk that is constantly criticising you can create anxiety because it focuses on all of your perceived flaws and weaknesses and ignores your good qualities. It constantly puts you down, and makes you believe that you are generally a useless human being.
The inner critic would say things like "You're always making mistakes - you are so dumb!" or "You are so fat! Why can't you be slim like so-and-so?" Critical self talk also likes to compare you to others, with you being the loser.

Why is Negative Self Talk so Bad for Me?

negative self talk
The majority of self talk takes place so quickly and habitually that we don't even notice we are doing it. But even though you may not consciously be totally absorbed in your mind chatter, your subconscious mind is taking it all in. And the subconscious mind just accepts everything you tell it, and responds accordingly. (You can go to my page on Self Talk for more detailed information.)
As stated earlier, thoughts produce feelings and emotions. It is never the other way around. However, sometimes it may feel as though certain emotions then cause you to think a certain way, but that is just because negative thoughts attract more negative thoughts, and so on it goes.
Even though your self talk may be irrational, such as many of the statements made by the Worrier, your body responds as if it were really true. So if you are constantly having thoughts of bad things happening to you, you will create the negative emotions such as fear, anger, disappointment, etc, even if the circumstances have not actually occurred.
These emotions then produce reactions in the body associated with stress and anxiety, and these build up to high and chronic levels when you get into the ongoing habit of negative self talk.
Thoughts and emotions also have an energy (since everything in the Universe is made up of energy, including us). Negative thoughts and emotions have a low energy vibration, and so will drag down your vitality and the vibration of your entire being.
This reduces your capacity to attract good things to you, as you can only attract things to you that are in alignment with your own vibration. So if the energy frequency of your body (made up of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) is being dragged down by negative thoughts and emotions, then your outer world may appear to be pretty gloomy.
This then feeds your negative self talk, and a self-perpetuating downward cycle begins.

How Can You Deal With Negative Self Talk?

You can change this bad habit, because that's all it is. You have gotten yourself into the pattern of thinking so many bad thoughts. It can take time, because you've probably being doing this for years.
But I have broke my own negative thought habit, so I know it is very achievable.
Everyone has negative thoughts from time to time - and this is nothing to be concerned about. Worrying about every less-than-perfect thought you have is ridiculous. But if your self talk is more negative than positive, it's time to turn it around.
Please go to my page on Changing Your Inner Talk for information on the techniques I used to change my mind chatter, and my life.

"How To Stop Negative Self Talk" with Lisa Nichols & Marci Shimoff

The Art of Action - Lisa Nichols

Get Unstuck: The 4 Keys to Pulling Yourself Out of a Rut

Exercise slumps, relationship ruts, and overall mental funks happen to the best of us. But while getting stuck is inevitable, staying there isn't. "Plateaus are perfectly normal—the human body is wired to adapt to things," says mathematician Hugh Thompson, PhD, who, along with investigative reporter Bob Sullivan, spent more than two years interviewing psychologists, CEOs, pro athletes, and scientists on what drives success—and what stalls it—for their new book The Plateau Effect. Here, they reveal the traps that threaten to flatline your progress. 

Trap 1: You Use the Same Technique That Worked for You Last Week 
When Thompson and Sullivan analyzed the contestants from the first four seasons of The Biggest Loser, they spotted a surprising trend: Almost all the competitors saw dramatic weight loss results during the first weigh-in, on day seven, but the following week they lost, on average, just 2 percent of their body weight. "As a species, humans have evolved to respond to novelty," says Thompson. "Once we've become accustomed to something, we may grow immune to its effects." Your body and mind will respond most positively if you keep exposing them to original situations: say, a new machine at the gym to challenge your muscles, or an unusual date-night outing (trapeze lessons, perhaps?) to keep your relationship fresh. 

Trap 2: You Don't Track Your Progress 
The lead-up to some plateaus can happen so gradually that you may not notice until it's too late. "We found that one of the most important ways successful people stave off slumps is by establishing markers," says Sullivan. Some form of data collection—tracking your salary, recording your waist circumference, or periodically rating how you feel about your spouse on a scale of 1 to 10—can help you spot and reverse a negative progression before it picks up speed. 

Trap 3: You Seek Quick Fixes 
Are you a serial plateau-er—someone who breaks through a period of inaction only to find yourself stuck again months later? You may be falling prey to what Thompson refers to as the "greedy algorithm"—choosing a path that seems most likely to provide immediate progress but ultimately leads to a dead end. Fortunately, you can trick your brain to delay gratification with longer-term goals that can provide lasting results. "People who are accomplished, especially at work, do this by breaking big goals into small steps, giving themselves more opportunities for victories," says Thompson. "This trains the mind to say, Hey, I'm doing something positive, even if I'm still a long way from the finish line." 

Trap 4: Your Timing Is Off 
"There's no easier way to get unstuck than to respect your body clock," says Sullivan. "If you run faster at 8:30 A.M. than at 7:30 A.M., the sensible thing to do is move your workout to the later time; yet many people make the mistake of squeezing in activities when they can—not when they'll achieve the best results." Studying the role timing plays in other areas of life, including interactions with others, will serve you well, too. While you might not want to ambush your boss with your pitch for a raise first thing in the morning, that may be the best time to do it. (One study found that parolees who had their hearings early in the court's session received better rulings more often than applicants at the end of the session.) As the day wears on, something psychologists call decision fatigue sets in, making people less likely to weigh your request fairly. Says Sullivan, "Timing is one of the biggest factors that separates the stuck from the successful."

What Is a Chakra?

The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. To visualize a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. This invisible energy, called Prana, is vital life force, which keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive.

The Importance of the Main Chakras in the Body

These swirling wheels of energy correspond to massive nerve centers in the body. Each of the seven main chakras contains bundles of nerves and major organs as well as our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being. Since everything is moving, it’s essential that our seven main chakras stay open, aligned, and fluid. If there is a blockage, energy cannot flow. Think of something as simple as your bathtub drain. If you allow too much hair to go into the drain, the bathtub will back up with water, stagnate and eventually bacteria and mold will grow. So is too with our bodies and the chakras. A bathtub is simple; it’s physical so the fix is easy.

Keeping a chakra open is a bit more of a challenge, but not so difficult when you have awareness. Since mind, body, soul, and spirit are intimately connected, awareness of an imbalance in one area will help bring the others back into balance. Take for example, a wife, who has recently lost her husband. She develops acute bronchitis, which remains in the chest, and then gets chest pains each time she coughs. The whole heart chakra is affected in this case. If she realizes the connection between the loss and the bronchitis, healing will occur much faster if she honors the grieving process and treats that as well as the physical ailment.

The Chakras of Matter

The first three chakras, starting at the base of the spine are chakras of matter. They are more physical in nature.

First Chakra: The Muladhara is the chakra of stability, security, and our basic needs. It encompasses the first three vertebrae, the bladder, and the colon. When this chakra is open, we feel safe and fearless.

Second Chakra: The Svadhisthana chakra is our creativity and sexual center. It is located above the pubic bone, below the navel, and is responsible for our creative expression.

Third Chakra: The Manipura chakra means lustrous gem and it’s the area from the navel to the breastbone. The third chakra is our source of personal power.

The Fourth Chakra: The Connection Between Matter and Spirit

Located at the heart center, the fourth chakra, anahata is at the middle of the seven and unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. The fourth is also spiritual but serves as a bridge between our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The heart chakra is our source of love and connection.
When we work through our physical chakras, or the first three, we can open the spiritual chakras more fully.

The Chakras of Spirit

Fifth Chakra: The Vishuddha chakra is the fifth chakra, located in the area of the throat. This is our source of verbal expression and the ability to speak our highest truth. The fifth chakra includes the neck, thyroid, and parathyroid glands, jaw, mouth, and tongue.

Sixth Chakra: The Ajna chakra is located in between the eyebrows. It is also referred to as the “third eye” chakra. Ajna is our center of intuition. We all have a sense of intuition but we may not listen to it or heed its warnings. Focus on opening the sixth chakra will help you hone this ability.

Seventh Chakra: The Sahaswara chakra or the “thousand petal lotus” chakra is located at the crown of the 
head. This is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection to our higher selves, others, and ultimately, to the divine. It is located at the crown of the head.

Clue to Aligning the Chakras

Awareness to which of your chakras are out of balance is key to aligning them. Our bodies are in constant flux between balance and imbalance. Unless you have an apparent problem in one area of the body, imbalances can be difficult to detect. That being said, it’s good to bring awareness to your body/mind and start to learn its signals and clues.
For example, frequent constipation can indicate a blockage in the first chakra. A recurring sore throat leaves clues to a blocked fifth chakra. Frequent headaches around the area of the forehead may mean your sixth chakra is blocked.

Extremely Powerful | Heart Chakra Opening Vibrations | 1 Hour | 128Hz Frequency Music

Understanding Pain, Illness and Dysfunction Within the Body


Our physical bodies are the most amazing things in all the universe.  They are designed impeccably.  When we, the human, are not drowning in our own fears and unworthiness/self esteem issues, the body is designed to last for centuries not simply decades. 

The body runs wholly off a two fold energy system or electrical current.  I refer to these two energy mixes as Spiritual Energy and Earth Energy.  The Spiritual Energy comes in from the crown area (top of the head) and moves all the way down the body and out the feet.  This is a high vibrating energy / electrical current and has a sort of magnetism within it, designed to pick up our daily stress and worries and move it all out of the feet and into the earth to be transmuted into positive, healthy energy.  All while keeping the body in top peak vibrating form.

The earth energy is nourishing beyond imagination.  It flows upwards thru the body from the feet and out the crown as it  hydrates and nourishes the body.  Nothing should ever be removed from the physical body without something put back in to replace it.  One day, our surgeons will come to realize this importance, at least, that is my hope.

I refer to this movement of energy within the body as your "inner ocean".  I can literally see this energy within you move thru what I call your core energy channel.  This is the first thing I look at when we are in a session together.  I start at the crown, and from my inner vision you can look at it like a big funnel coming into the crown filling the entire cranium area and and moves downward thru the body in like an ethereal tube about the size of a quarter starting at the base of the brain (where the cervical meets brainstem).  

There are two intersecting points that move this energy out the limbs.  One place is at the heart center which connects this "tube" just under your shoulders and down each arm, releasing energy (and taking more in) from the center of your palms.  The next intersection is just above your tailbone where it creates a sort of Y and moves down each leg and out the center of the arches in each foot.  

This energy is picked up by both your cranial and spinal fluids and moves thru every cell of the body.  I refer to this motion of energy as your inner ocean.

When someone is in a constant state of "worry" this affects the energy that flows thru you.  Anyone who has been on my massage table knows the first thing I do after opening the crown chakra is poke around at the brains to see what may be on their mind.  So many people are busy just thinking... 

A lot of people will simply cry (at least women do, men, bless your hearts, you need to allow yourself to cry more often) when I open up their crown energy and start to talk to them about what they are harboring in their mind.  This is actually a great thing, those tears, that energy of emotion needs to come out and not be all bottled up inside of you.  I celebrate your tears and will hug you thru it.  

Now couple that with what we do with our core energy!  So many people have words so stuck up in their throat that it is hard for me to pass thru this center.  All those things you wanted to say, but never did, have got to go somewhere.  They get stuck in your throat!  This creates blocks of energy from being able to pass thru the head down into the body.  Can we say tension headaches and migraines or worse, throat cancer!  

The body has one way to communicate with you and that is thru pain.  The more we ignore the pain, and mask it over with a pill, the louder the body must get to get your attention, but usually, we try and get another pill.  our entire health system keeps you sick and decaying this way.  Good for their business, bad for your longevity and true health of life.

When your block is so solid that I cannot move thru it, we have to do some fancy footwork.  I have seen many a "light shunt" put into throats to allow the flow of energy to move thru the body.  I always tell the person on my table, you can either continue to work with this shunt, or do what you have always done, and it will disappear without a trace.  Your health is always your responsibility.  All-ways.  You can either choose to change, and your body will tell me what needs to change, or do what you always have done.

Once I am able to get past the throat area, the next stop along your channel is your heart.  There is no wonder why heart disease is rampant in this country.    The emotional issues we are not dealing with are massive!   There are times I connect to the heart and just cry myself.  I do feel what you feel every step of the way, even if you are in denial of what you are feeling.  It is simply amazing how we have blocked out even our deepest sadness so we can live each day.  You can't fool your body tho.  All that denial is building up inside of you.  Every ache of the heart that you do not deal with, is stills stored in the heart as non moving energy.  

Your heart depends on the movement of electricity of your body to function, the more you clog the flow of the electrical currents (that spiritual and earth energy) the more it has to get your attention, first maybe by high blood pressure, then maybe mild heart issues leading eventually to a full blown heart attack.

Now imagine your body, we are only talking about 3 areas here, and this is where most peoples biggest blocks are.  How can the rest of your body function at its highest capacity when you can't even breath any longer.  Can we say asthma, emphysema, apnea....

There is one other major place I want to address in this article and that is the sacral chakra, our sense of self within the world around us.  Viagra has replaced our need to deal with ourselves.  

This area as well as the root chakra (from the hips all the way down to the ground) is the slowest vibrating aspect of our bodies.  What happens when we get aroused is the higher vibrations of the body (that heart center) is mixing itself up in our lower body, as it is designed to do.  However, when we are so blocked, the body cannot receive the higher vibrations creating impotence within our body.  Libido's go dormant and the human goes looking for a quick fix (at least our men do, that sex thing is a huge identifier with many men, but that is a whole other issue to be looked at)

You get that energy moving, deal with your "stuff" and your body will always be able to rise to the occasion!  

Lets take a walk thru your body together.... book a Hands of Light session today!!

Keep in mind, there is NO SUCH THING AS INCURABLE!  Do not ever, ever, ever, allow anyone to take away your power, your ability to be in full health by planting that lie within you.  Everything is reversible - EVERYTHING!!

May health and joy be your normal state of living!
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