When manifesting money you must remember that the Law of Attraction states that whatever you give consistent thought to, you will create.
So, manifesting money is really not much different than trying to attract anything else in your life that you desire.
But, because money is such a huge factor in our lives, people tend to stress and worry more especially when they feel like they do not have enough of it.
But what most people fail to realize is, that by stressing and worrying about the absence of money causes your financial abundance to be held away from you longer.
You must know that you are the creator of your entire life experiences; including what you have in your bank account.
Life is reflected back to you by the thoughts that you consistently think. So, if you are the type to always complain about how poor you are, or if you constantly think negatively about others who are thriving financially.
You aren’t doing nothing but pushing your financial abundance further and further away from you.
In order to know where you are right now when it comes to money.
Ask yourself, how do you feel about money?
When you think about money, do you feel that you are in a good place?
Are you grateful for the money that you have in your bank account right now?
Are you stress free or not worried about money because you know that there is more to come, whenever you need it?
If you have good thoughts when it comes to money then you are definitely on the right track to learning how to manifest money and becoming financially abundant.
Or, are you the type to constantly complain when the bills come in, by saying things like, I will never have enough to pay all these bills?
Do you complain about how broke you are and the fact that you will never have enough to do or buy anything that you want or desire?
You see the difference????
In order to manifest money you must change your thoughts about money. You have to know and believe that you will always be great financially.
Have you ever noticed whenever you really need something and you ask yourself; now how am I going to pay for this? Some way, somehow you figure out away or something or someone come out of the blue to help you.
This especially happens when you let go of the problem. Because once you let go of a problem the solution is able to show up.
We are all here to thrive in all areas of our lives. We were not put on this earth to struggle or suffer. You have to understand that you are in control of your thoughts. Therefore, you are the creator of everything that you want and desire.
Bill Gates said and I quote “I always knew I was going to be rich. I don’t think I ever doubted it for a minute”.
Most millionaires/billionaires expect to have money, therefore; money consistently flows into their experience.
Not having money is not an option for them, so they do not think in this negative way.
This is the mindset that we all must have in order to manifest money or anything else that we most desire.
Who said that we all couldn't be financially abundant? You must imagine it, see it and feel like you already have the things that you desire.
Go to the stores that have the products that you want. Go to open houses in the neighborhoods where you would like to live. Test drive the cars that you would like to own.
Once you begin to change the way you think and feel in regards to any situation including money, you will see your life change for the better.
And for those of you that have a negative mindset when it comes to money don’t be ashamed.
Most of the time our negative thoughts in regards to money are handed down from generation to generation.
Most of us have parents that have told us whenever we ask for something really expensive or things in general that “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “Do you think I am made out of money?"
So, we developed a negative mindset regarding money at an early age.
Here are some ways to help get you into that place where you can change your thoughts in regards to money.
First you need to make peace with where you are financially. Tell yourself that it is OK, because things are getting ready to change.
Be thankful for all the money that you have in your bank account right now. Whether it's $50,000 or $5. Be thankful for it.
I always say a quick thank you for all the money that I have in my bank account before I pay a bill and for some reason it seems like extra money always shows up. It may seem weird, but it is true and I never question it.
The more you appreciate what you have right now, the more things will come to you; such as always being able to pay your bills.
Most people use affirmations in order to manifest money, the affirmation that I use is “Money flows to me easily and freely, from multiple sources."
Or, you can say “I will always have the money to do or buy whatever I desire.” You can make up any affirmation pertaining to money that you would like as long as it helps you to truly believe it.
You should say your affirmations several times during the day, especially before you get ready to pay your bills.
The more often you say your affirmation the more you will believe them.
Do this for about thirty days and watch your finances change.
Once you truly believe that you have the power to manifest money whenever you want, you will start to come up with great new ideas to create more money into your life.
You may manifest money from different places that you never thought possible. Like the lottery, a friend, a check in the mail that you weren’t expecting or extra money in your bank account.
The stream is endless and you must remember that there is enough money out there for everyone.
Don't believe the hype about the so called bad economy because there are plenty of people that thrive even more financially when the government claims that we are in a recession.
With the Law of Attraction you get what you consistently think about.
And once those negative thoughts such as the economy being in a recession is planted in people's minds, they panic and start to think negative things like “what if I lose my job" which leads to more negative thoughts which causes things to start to go downhill and they stop thriving financially.
You attract what you consistently think about. So stop it! We all can thrive financially no matter what because we have complete control over our thoughts.
So, don’t ever believe that there can only be a few millionaires or billionaires in the world because that is simply not true.
People that you feel are financially abundant are just in alignment with their thoughts in order to manifest money and you will get there too.
And for fun in order to manifest money try the abundance game, it is a way to release resistance while creating what you want.
It does take time to retrain the thoughts that you’ve been thinking for years.
That’s why I said to give yourself 30 days to help get the ball rolling and once you get the hang of it, your financial situation will definitely change.
Some people can manifest money immediately; because they have figured out how to change their thoughts so that they are vibrating on the same frequency of what they desire.
And, if you can do that you won't have to wait 30 days; it can come in minutes, hours or days.
Remember the key to manifesting anything that you want, including money is to change your thoughts in regards to that subject in order to let your abundance in.
We all know that thinking negatively doesn’t get us anywhere; it just leads to more negative thoughts and holds us in the same negative situations.
And for those of you that find it hard to change your thoughts in regards to money. You can always just take your attention away from subject of money. Because once you ask, the universe now knows what you want.
So, you can release all resistance regarding money and continue to think good feeling thoughts about all the other wonderful things that you have in your life.
Go out and do the things that you enjoy. You do not have to consistently think about how to manifest money all day long. You can let go of all thoughts about money, and still bring your abundance to you.
Just trust that you will be able to manifest money or anything that you desire as long as you stay in that place of good thoughts and feelings.
Sending Love and Happiness,
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