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The Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics - Understanding Attraction Law Secret Universe

The Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics are closely related. The Law of Attraction states that we manifest reality through our thoughts and intentions. And not surprisingly, the Law of Attraction can be explained by quantum physics.

Currently, the most overlooked and misunderstood branch of science is quantum physics. Quantum physics looks deeply into the fabric of our reality and attempts to explain how the micro affects the macro and to understand the
secret of law of attraction.

While quantum physics is still not complete, due to the lack of tools to see deep enough to know everything, what have been discovered so far is sufficient to understand the law of attraction in the thought world

One of the most interesting discoveries of quantum physics is that matter can behave like a particle or a wave. Let me explain. A particle is solid matter - it can only be in one place at a time, and you can always pinpoint its location. A wave, however, is not a finite point.

Now what quantum physics found is that when firing very small particles called electrons through two slits, if the electrons were observed while going through the slits, then they acted as particles. Each electron picked one slit, went through it, and hit the screen on the back.

The result after firing hundreds or thousands of these was a two-slit pattern. However, if the electrons were NOT observed while going through the slits, they created a large interference pattern on the screen behind, which is the pattern caused by a wave. In addition, the pattern showed interference from the slits, which further proves that the electrons passed through the slits as a wave, and not as solid particles.

So what does that mean for us?

Our act of observation, thought, and emotion affect the world. When scientists attempted to watch an electron and decide where it would go, they found that wherever the observer expected it to show up is where it would show up. The implications of this are equally huge - our expectations, thoughts and beliefs literally form the world around us on a subatomic scale!

Obviously, the ability of our thoughts, emotions, expectations and beliefs to influence, alter, and create reality is exactly what the Law of Attraction is teaching us. Now that you have a little scientific background, maybe you can put your current beliefs aside and try it out. If someone told you that you could have everything you wanted, would that at least be worth a try to you? Suspend your disbelief, and be amazed!

Joel Chue, Mind Science Expert is the author of "Secrets To Unlocking Your Real Potential" and "Deliberate Attraction" . For tips, strategies, ideas to create massive results in life, sign up for the Mind Power email newsletter, at Mind Power Hacks Blog []!

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