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Thoughts become things

I received the book The Secret for a gift exchange right in the middle of the hardest times in my life. Every night before I went to sleep I would read it. At first I had doubts because it seemed too easy. I received the book on my birthday but did not implement The Secret till the month of March.
I had been going through very hard times, but having positive thoughts has helped me strive through life much easier. To give you an example of how thoughts become things, I decided to use this technique in school. I had a Market Research test which I was not prepared for. I studied, studied and studied but every time I went back to review I would forget everything. Negative thoughts were blocking my head making it impossible for me to learn. I cleared my mind and thought of that ‘A’ I would receive after taking the test. I made a vision in my mind and felt great about receiving that ‘A’. I knew I was going to get it. I had it clear in my mind.
I took the test (positive thoughts since I woke up) and guess what? I received a 105 ‘A+’. And that’s not all – I had another test today. Up until last night I had not studied anything and was seriously thinking about avoiding the test, making up some excuse and taking it later. I was studying but after looking at all the notes, it was 12:30am and nothing was sinking in. I felt so tired and had no strength to continue.
But I cleared my head and again had that vision that I would get an ‘A’ and the teacher would congratulate me. I woke up this morning, studied a little and woke up being grateful. I looked into the sky and it was a wonderful, beautiful day. I just thought of the test and what was going to happen. For a minute a negative thought came to my head but I fought it back with thousands of positive thoughts. I took the test and when I turned it in, I said in my mind, “I will get an ‘A’, I leave it in your hands, Universe” And just guess what happened? I got 100%.
What I mean to say with all of this is: great things happen when you have positive thoughts. I have a vision wall where I put everything I desire. When I wake up I see it and just daydream of me having it. One by one they have come true. Always think positive. By doing this, I have gotten corporate interviews, good grades, a good job and money to spend. Just be positive and all of your dreams will come true.

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